DIY vs Professional Siding Installation - Which is Right For You?

Installing your own siding has an appeal for some people, but is the DIY approach right for you, and what are the risks?

DIY vs Professional Siding Installation

Siding is not just an outer layer of protection for your home; it's a critical investment in its longevity, energy efficiency, and curb appeal. The right siding can shield your home from harsh weather, improve insulation, and significantly enhance its appearance.

However, when it comes time to replace or install new siding, homeowners are faced with a crucial decision: embark on a DIY project or hire a professional company? This dilemma is not just about cost but also about the quality of workmanship, the time investment, and the potential for errors.

In this article, we'll delve into the pros and cons of DIY vs professional siding installation. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive comparison that will help you make an informed decision, ultimately guiding you towards the choice that offers the best value and satisfaction for your home improvement project.

DIY Approach: The appeal & the challenges

The Appeal

The allure of DIY siding projects can be strong, particularly when considering the potential benefits. Homeowners often gravitate towards the DIY route driven by the prospect of cost savings. By eliminating professional labor fees, the only significant expenses become the materials themselves, which can seem like an attractive way to reduce overall project costs.

Additionally, managing the project personally offers unparalleled flexibility and control over the timeline and execution, allowing homeowners to work at their own pace and make adjustments as they see fit. Beyond the practical advantages, there's also the intangible reward of personal satisfaction and the enrichment of one's skills and knowledge.

Completing a home improvement project like siding installation can instill a sense of accomplishment and provide valuable learning experiences that extend beyond the realm of home maintenance.

The Challenges

However, the decision to take on siding installation as a DIY project comes with a set of substantial challenges and limitations. Foremost among these is the requirement for technical skills and knowledge. Proper siding installation involves more than just attaching materials to the exterior of a home; it requires an understanding of how to deal with potential obstacles, such as uneven walls or moisture barriers, and the ability to ensure each piece is perfectly aligned and secured.

The time commitment for DIY siding projects can also be significant, as what might take professionals a few days could extend into weeks or months for an inexperienced homeowner. Moreover, the potential for mistakes looms large, with errors in installation potentially leading to costly consequences, such as water damage, decreased energy efficiency, or the need for repairs or total redo of the project.

Safety concerns are another critical consideration, as the installation process may involve working at heights, using power tools, and handling heavy materials, each posing risks to those unfamiliar with such work.

Using a Siding Professional

Opting for professional siding installation brings a suite of benefits that can significantly outweigh the allure of DIY projects, ensuring homeowners not only receive quality work but also peace of mind throughout the process. The first and perhaps most impactful advantage is the level of expertise and experience professional installers bring to the table.

Experience Counts

These individuals have spent years honing their skills, learning the nuances of various siding materials, and understanding the intricacies of installation on different architectural styles. This depth of knowledge ensures that any potential challenges can be anticipated and addressed efficiently, preventing common mistakes that could compromise the siding's performance and aesthetic appeal.


Efficiency and time-saving are other critical benefits offered by professional services. Thanks to their experience and the use of specialized tools, professional installers can complete the project in a fraction of the time it would take an average homeowner. This rapid turnaround not only minimizes the disruption to daily life but also means the home is protected faster, a crucial consideration in regions prone to harsh weather conditions.

Quality & Warranties

Quality assurance and warranties further tilt the scale in favor of hiring professionals. Reputable siding installation companies stand behind their work with guarantees that cover both materials and labor. This means that in the rare event of an issue arising post-installation, homeowners have a recourse that doesn't involve out-of-pocket expenses for repairs or replacements. Such warranties are seldom available for DIY projects, where the responsibility for any mistakes falls squarely on the homeowner.


Lastly, safety measures cannot be overstated. Professional installers are trained to navigate the risks associated with siding installation, including working at heights, handling heavy materials, and operating power tools. They come equipped with the necessary safety gear and protocols to prevent accidents, protecting not only themselves but also the homeowners and the property. This comprehensive approach to safety is a critical consideration, especially for projects that involve complex installations or elevated work areas.

Comparing Costs of DIY vs Professional

When considering siding installation, the cost is often a pivotal factor in deciding between a DIY approach and hiring professionals. An honest comparison of the costs associated with both paths reveals a complex picture that extends beyond the initial financial outlay, touching on long-term value and potential hidden costs.

Beyond First Glance

At first glance, DIY siding installation appears to offer significant cost savings, primarily by eliminating the labor expenses associated with professional services. The initial investment is largely confined to purchasing materials, tools, and possibly renting equipment. However, this upfront cost-saving perspective can be misleading without considering the long-term implications and hidden expenses.

DIY projects can incur additional costs due to mistakes, material wastage, or the need to purchase specialized tools that professional installers already possess and include in their service offering. Furthermore, an incorrect installation can lead to issues such as water damage, insulation problems, or the need for premature repairs or replacement, all of which can negate the initial savings and even result in higher overall costs.

Labor Costs

On the other hand, the initial investment in professional siding installation is higher due to the inclusion of labor costs. Yet, this expenditure comes with the assurance of quality workmanship, backed by warranties on both materials and labor. Professionals bring efficiency and precision to the project, reducing the risk of costly mistakes and ensuring the siding performs effectively for its intended lifespan.

The value of professional workmanship extends beyond the aesthetic, enhancing the home's energy efficiency, protection from the elements, and overall property value. The long-term savings in maintenance, repair costs, and the potential increase in property value often outweigh the initial higher investment.

Moreover, professional installations come with peace of mind that is difficult to quantify. Knowing that the project is executed correctly from the start, with attention to detail that ensures durability and performance, can save homeowners from future headaches, expenses, and potential safety hazards.

Make The Right Choice

In summarizing the considerations between DIY and professional siding installation, it's clear that while the DIY route may seem appealing for its upfront cost savings and the personal satisfaction it can offer, the advantages of professional installation far outweigh these initial benefits.

Professional services bring invaluable expertise, efficiency, quality assurance through warranties, and stringent safety measures that DIY projects simply cannot match.

When comparing the costs, it's essential to look beyond the initial expenses to the long-term value and savings that come from a job done right the first time. Professional installation ensures not only the aesthetic appeal and structural integrity of your home's siding but also contributes to its overall energy efficiency and property value.

For most homeowners, the decision to invest in professional siding installation is driven by the desire for quality, durability, and peace of mind, making it the preferable choice over the DIY approach. To learn more, contact the team at Keystone Siding & Windows today or book your free design consultation to get started!